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We Offer

We help companies and households get efficient in Energy – Install Solar ROOFTOP® & Let SUN Pay your Electricity bills.


Industrial Solar Rooftop®

Investment in Commercial and Industrial solar rooftop have best ROI against their high usage.

Residential Solar Rooftop®

40% Government Solar rooftop® subsidy Available! HURRY UP…. Join Us for best quality products and craftsmanship

Solar farm - Best Investment

Solar Farm is the best investment in the ROI point of view, We are mainly works for Mega scale EPC solar projects.

Eco-friendly solutions

Studies shows that solar energy is a healthy option for humans because it represents far less toxicity than other power production processes that are in use currently. The use of fossil fuels (natural fuels like coal, gas etc.) results in water, air and also land pollution. This impacts not just humans but all living creatures. Switching to solar power will prevents this all-round pollution and allows every living being on the planet to lead a long and a healthier life.

Electricity Efficiency

Studies are indicating that our energy efficiency is worsening at a dramatic rate. Our carbon-dioxide emissions are at record highs, spelling disaster for the environment. Action needs to be taken now and in such a way that it can address these multiple issues while giving us a source of power that is virtually unlimited. Going solar is the perfect solution that fulfills all these needs to make the best use of this natural, renewable energy source.

Alternative Energy

Many of the energy sources that we use today are not environment-friendly at all. In fact, many of the renewable energy sources that are in vogue today leave a detrimental impact on the environment. By installing solar panels, household and companies are taking the right step towards embracing an energy source that is not only a worthy alternative to its traditional counterparts, but is eco-friendly as well cleaner, greener choice as alternative energy.

0 MW+
MegaWatt Solar Projects Installed
0 +
0 +
have Questions?

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes ! we Can visit your Company or house and Believe us site visit and consulting is absolute free.

Now a days, Approx 70 sq.feet/kW space required at your site.

In This current Year 40% ( for 1kW to 3kW) and 20% (3kW to 10kW) Government Solar rooftop® subsidy is Available.

Yes! Registration of your solar rooftop system is required.

Call us on (98240 79348)  for free site visit and free consulating, we will provide you best energy saving solution.

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